The following is a response that I gave to the Seattle Times reporter recently when interviewed for front-page story on leaders in our region and what they are seeing and feeling in this current election.
Front page of The Seattle Times, November 1, 2020
For me, when I vote, it is not going to be about Trump versus Biden.
For me, there are some things that are really important, and there are some things that I am watching closely.
For example, I am watching what the “new normal” is for Seattle. I am looking at how my wife and I do not feel safe to go for a date night downtown. I am looking at what seems to be a severe lack of vision and direction and unity within our State. I am looking at all these negative factors and the fact that our elected officials (who happen to be Democrats) are not taking responsibility.
I am looking at all these negatives that exist because of liberal ideals within our region, and they are resulting in negative consequences. Then I marvel at how the people that live here are seeing everything that is taking place and they blame it all on President Trump. For example, all the fires we just had here in Washington, Oregon, and California. Somehow, that is President Trump’s fault. The riots, those are Trump's fault as well, right? CHOP, that was also Trump's fault too apparently.
I am concerned for our city and our State because I love Seattle, and I love the people who are here that make our city great.
Seattle is such an amazing, innovative, and creative city. There is no other city like Seattle. Sometimes I wonder what would be possible in our city actually valued our businesses? What would happen if Jeff Bezos was not treated as though he was the Antichrist and if Boeing was not seen as this large evil corporate machine.
What would happen if we could celebrate innovation instead of demonizing it?
I would love to see some sort of courageous leadership where it is not about politics, but it is about true government.
I love government. I have even been involved in our local government, but, I hate politics.
I hate the political performance that takes place on both sides of the aisle.
Performance does not do good.
Performance does not bring about positive changes in the culture.
Performance does not create contrast.
Performance is just about approval and getting votes, and then once the election is over, everybody gripes and complains.
What if there were some courageous leaders who could paint a compelling vision for our city and State, but with the right motivation?
Amazing things could be accomplished, but not for the glory of a political party, but rather a motivation birthed out of sincere love and appreciation for our city and for our State.
That is not what I see.
I see all this stuff on the news and social media and it is not about government; it is political performance, and as a millennial, it makes me so disillusioned with the whole political scene, system, and process.
As a pastor, I am saying, “Go and vote. Vote your conviction and your values. If you vote democrat, I will still honor you, and when I vote Republican, I ask that you do the same.”
When we are all face to face, we are friends and family, but sometimes when we get on to social media, we become enemies and monsters.
This is why I hate politics. It is drama and hype that everybody gets to entangle in, where our only responsibility is to vote. When voting is our only responsibility, then we get to continue to surrender our leadership and influence, and if the election does not go our way, we all get to be victims of the election.
I will not be a victim of any election!
Regardless of what happens in this election, I chose to be a governing one who will leverage my partnerships, influence, and revelation to transform our city and nation with love as the primary motivator.