The Future of the Supernaturalist Radio Show


We are nearing the completion of our one-year agreement with 1150 AM KKNW.

It has taken some time to build trust with the spiritual seeker community in the Pacific Northwest region. It feels like we are just now getting traction and seeing fruit.

Recently we received an invitation to launch a syndicated show on ABC Network in Southern California; the same network that aires the Dave Ramsey show. It is also a "secular" network where we would be able to air gospel-centered, supernatural content on a weekly basis.

We are being told that this the only radio show of this nature on the West Coast; a non-religious, entertaining, supernatural bridge show.

Should we continue the show in the Seattle market? Should we pull the plug? Should we expand the footprint of the show?

These are my questions right now.

Funding is another major factor, and I want to be transparent, so you know how this all works.

I haven't been aggressive to seek sponsors, investors, or partners. I like to create content. I am not particularly eager to sell it.

The Supernaturalist Radio Show was birthed by a mission, not a business plan.

Our mission was to create a show that celebrates what God is doing on the Earth, that educates spiritual seekers and helps the listener discover their TRUE identity and destiny.

I received advice from a friend up front. He said, "Focus on creating an amazing show and don't focus on selling stuff. Earn the trust of your radio audience."

It was good advice, and I have no regrets.

As we move forward, funding becomes more critical.

I want to thank Seattle Revival Center who have generously sponsored the show each month for $150. This has been an incredible blessing.

Supernaturalist Ministries funds the rest, which is an additional $650 each month; this is funded by my speaking opportunities and book sales.

At this point, I am reaching out to those who love and believe in the show who would consider sowing into it.

I am also open to potential sponsors (churches, authors, content creators, etc.) as long as I believe in their product and we have alignment in our values. With that said I'm merely putting that out there and am not going to be soliciting sponsorships. I don't have that kind of bandwidth.

Supernaturalist Ministries is a 501C3 and is submitted and accountable to the International Fellowship of Ministries.

I've created a link that gives an opportunity to sow a one time gift into the show. You can give ten bucks, you can pay for a show, or you can even donate to cover a month of programming costs.


Much love! 
- Darren