Embrace the Process


Hardship is better than Harvard.

Believe it or not but the lessons you have learned through life's processes could not have been taught in a classroom. You learned not by listening, you learned by living. You survived, and now you’re stronger, wiser, and far more humble.

There is the kind of knowledge that you receive by reading good books, and then there is the kind of wisdom that is embeded into your DNA through time and relationship.  It’s aged revelation, it’s valuable, and it's costly.


Our God is the Lord of the process.  He is continually inviting us into a sequence of steps and actions where we get to learn about our inherent neediness for divine companionship. 


Yep, Jesus was right when he said, “Without me, you can do nothing.”  How else can we develop intentional dependency outside of the process? We are not talking about a soul quest for identity or significance as much as we are about the journey to the face of God; the very process and path into intimacy with Him.


It’s easy to get frustrated when God doesn't answer our prayers the way that we had hoped. We often think that the purpose of prayer is to get God to answer our requests real-time, but this isn’t the entire purpose of prayer.


There are times when Jesus prays, and the Father doesn’t answer his requests, and he’s the son of God. 


The model given to us for how we ought to pray is The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). When you pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven,” most likely you aren’t expecting an immediate answer right then and there.




Because we understand that the Lord’s prayer is a declaration of intent that instigates a Heavenly and holy process; the ushering in of God’s glorious Kingdom.


Maybe you’re not going through hell. Perhaps you are going through a process.


Maybe this isn’t the end. Perhaps it’s the beginning.


Maybe this season won’t define you forever. Perhaps it will pivot you the direction you were created to go.


Another word for process is journey, and another word for journey is adventure.


What may seem like constant delays and disappointments may be an invitation from the Father to go on the adventure with Him.  Sure, God could give us what we want, but sometimes we forget that there’s something that HE wants, something that HE is requesting, and that is for us to enter into deeper intimacy with Him.


Your life – the epic emotional rollercoaster that it may be - is an adventure by which you get to discover the layers, the complexity, and the simplicity that is your Father’s heart. 


Don’t miss the opportunity to learn who God is from God Himself. Life’s greatest lessons can be gleaned from the King of all Kings when we have taken the time to get to know who He truly is.


There’s more at work than what you feel or see.


There’s more at stake than what you know.


Embrace the process.


Let me know what you think.  Hit me back at darren@seattlerevivalcenter.com.


