Portals University: Questions to Help You Find Your Calling:

1. Understanding Your Strengths

  • What things just seem to come naturally to you, and how do they help others?

  • What skills or talents do people always seem to notice and appreciate about you?

  • What’s something you’re really good at, even when you don’t try too hard?

2. Following Your Passions

  • What gets you fired up or excited, even when it’s challenging?

  • If you didn’t have to worry about money or time, what would you spend your life doing?

  • What’s a problem in the world that really bothers you and makes you want to do something about it?

3. Spotting Patterns in Your Life

  • Are there themes or opportunities that keep showing up in your life, almost like they’re pointing you in a certain direction?

  • When have you seen the most impact or positive change because of something you’ve done?

  • What’s something you do that leaves you feeling completely fulfilled or at peace?

4. Figuring Out Your Purpose

  • What’s the bigger “why” behind what you do?

  • How do you see your efforts contributing to something meaningful or making a difference?

  • What’s the thing you feel you’re meant to do, no matter what?

5. Telling the Difference Between Calling and Assignments

  • Have there been jobs or responsibilities that felt like they were just temporary steps along the way? How do those compare to areas where you feel a deeper, lasting pull?

  • Have you ever felt like you’re on a path that’s part of a bigger picture, even if you’re not sure what it all looks like yet?

  • Does what you’re doing now feel like it’s leading you toward your bigger goals, or does it feel more like a side mission?

6. Listening to Others and Trusting Your Gut

  • What have other people said about how you’ve made a difference in their lives or how good you are at something?

  • Have you ever had a moment when something just clicked, and you felt sure you were on the right track?

  • When you think about pursuing a certain direction, does it feel right deep down?

7. Thinking About Your Impact

  • What kind of difference do you want to make in the world?

  • How do you want people to remember you and the impact you’ve had?

  • Does the vision you have for your life line up with your values and what really matters to you?