Our weekend conference took place in Maluana, a village in Maputo Province, Mozambique, just 30 miles north of the capital.

We were met with a picturesque scene as we departed from the paved highway onto a sandy path that would soon morph into a maze of roads. Spread out before us were patchworks of cultivated fields extending to the horizon. Vibrant green maize swayed gently in the breeze, intermixed with plots of cassava, sweet potatoes, and occasional cashew orchards. Unlike the smooth asphalt of urban roads, the pathways here were narrow tracks of loosely compacted sand carved into the earth by years of steady foot traffic, meandering snake trails, and sporadic motor vehicles. While charming in their natural simplicity, these sandy roads posed a challenge for our larger vehicle, the bus.

Navigating these sandy tracks demanded skill and patience. With each turn, the bus's wheels struggled for traction, sinking slightly into the soft sand. The driver maneuvered cautiously, steering clear of deep ruts and sandy patches threatening to immobilize the vehicle. It was a slow, exceedingly bumpy journey, marked by the rhythmic lurching of the bus as it traversed the uneven terrain.

As we ventured deeper into the grasslands, we encountered a serene and seemingly secluded landscape. An expansive field of green grass dotted with young trees and shrubs unfolded beneath the clear sky. Amidst this backdrop stood several traditional structures, each bearing distinct architectural features typical of rural African settings.

These buildings comprised a mix of block structures and round huts crowned with conical thatched roofs. Notably, the huts were unique; they had no windows! This served a specific function, likely tailored to the inhabitants' activities and privacy needs.

Contrary to appearances, this wasn't a village; it was a school for aspiring witch doctors!

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Mozambique. LOL!!

Finally, we reached the site of Pastor Joel's new church plant. Situated on a striking plot of land, the project encompassed housing, a playground, rolling manicured grassy fields, and an impressive new church building. The church's sand floor was meticulously watered down and raked to minimize dust during worship.

When we arrived, the pastor suggested we meet the neighbors, so we walked from hut to hut. These homes were spread out on sizable plots of farmland, not stacked together like in America. This meant a decent trek through tall grass from one house to the next. And let me tell you, this is snake territory! The locals warned us that snake bites were pretty common around here. All I could think of was Pastor Suprise's story of being chased 50 yards by a black mamba. I found myself pondering whether I'd opt for a quick leg amputation if bitten or risk an hour-long drive to the nearest hospital. These are the things I think about. LOL.

Eventually, we reached a cleared area, someone's home. This person's homestead was well-maintained, probably to keep a clean environment for their domestic animals. And what do you know, the ground was sandy! Ducks and chickens were roaming around. The house was made from natural materials like grass or maybe bamboo, which is typical of the region. Not only are these materials abundant, but they also offer excellent insulation against the daytime heat and retain warmth at night. And guess whose home it was? Antonio the Witch Doctor!

Pastor Joel has been building a solid rapport with him, earning his trust and sharing the message of Jesus. As we approached, Pastor Eric McCoy sought the Lord for a word of knowledge, and he was shown a picture of the man casting spells onto a fire. During our conversation, Eric felt prompted to share what he had seen, and to our amazement, the man confirmed its truth. Eric then asked him if he was ready to leave his past behind, to which the man expressed he was in the process of doing so.

Sensing an opportunity, I asked if we could offer a blessing, to which he agreed. But before proceeding, I took a moment to explain the gospel to him: that it's forgiveness, not goodness, that grants entry to heaven; that sin leads to death, but God's gift is eternal life. As we prayed for him, the presence of the Lord descended upon us like a gentle wind. We invited the love of God to envelop him and asked what he was experiencing. He responded that he felt the love and peace of God washing over him.

Taking this as a sign, I asked if he would like to receive Jesus into his life, to which he agreed. And so, with hearts full of hope, we led him in the sinner's prayer, welcoming him into the family of believers.

After leading him in the sinner's prayer, I asked if he desired to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I explained that this would require him to relinquish all other spirits and solely embrace the Holy Spirit. Initially hesitant, he expressed his unreadiness for such a commitment. I likened his spirits to ants, small and powerless compared to the Holy Spirit's might. He eventually agreed after illustrating the stark contrast between his demons and the Holy Spirit.

He renounced the witchcraft and evil spirits. I then turned to Eric, requesting him to guide the man through receiving the Holy Spirit. As Eric prayed, the man began to cough. In response, I gave him a reassuring slap, declaring, "Yep, every one of you guys come out!" I noticed that several of his family members coughed simultaneously at that very moment.

As Eric prayed, the man began to speak in what appeared to be tongues, the initial evidence of Holy Spirit baptism. 

Feeling the urgency, I sensed the importance of declaring Antonio's allegiance to Jesus to the demonic forces assigned to that area. With authority, I commanded every unclean spirit to vacate the property lines and commissioned four angels to stand guard at the four corners of his land.

Antonio Stands Second from the Left.

The following day, after the service concluded, Abigail rushed up to me excitedly, exclaiming, "Dad, Antonio is here!"

Spotting him as he exited the meeting, dressed casually in blue jeans and a white button-up shirt, I called out to him. "Antonio!" He turned and gave me a big hug. He then introduced me to his wife. 

This was Antonio's first time setting foot inside a church!

Addressing him, I declared, "Antonio, you are no longer a witch doctor; you are now a man of God!" 

Looking him in the eye, I added, "When I return, I expect to see you as a leader in this church." 

He chuckled at the prospect and nodded in agreement, signaling a new chapter in his life's journey.

With Antonio outside the church, embracing his newfound identity on his first day as a new creation!!!