A Hebrew translation of the first 11 chapters of Genesis (and with the rythym)


I picked up the paperback version of this book (because the Kindle version doesn’t exist)

You are probably thinking, “Why would you EVER buy a translation of Genesis when there are like eighty-hundred free translations online?”

Great question.

THIS, isn’t just ANY translation.

The problem with many Bible translations is that the more accurate word-for-word translations sometime lose their sense of rhythm, or poetic cadence, and that’s an issue because the first two chapters of Genesis are specifically written like a song. 

This Hebrew translation translation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis will give you a “NIV” flow but with an “ESV” accuracy.

It’s 320 pages from cover to cover, and there are 19 pages of pure translated text.

I would highly recommend using this book as a read-allowed book.  Perhaps you could even you this translation when reading Genesis to your children.


The Most Expensive Book I've Ever Purchased

The most legit scholarly commentary on the book of Enoch available.

I’m studying Genesis, Michael Heiser said this was amazing, and I am geeking out on stuff like this right now.

The first commentary on this work since 1773.1 Enoch is one of the most intriguing books in the Pseudepigrapha (Israelite works outside the Hebrew canon). It was originally written in Aramaic and is comprised of several smaller works, incorporating traditions from the three centuries before the Common Era. Employing the name of the ancient patriarch Enoch, the Aramaic text was translated into Greek and then into Ethiopic. But as a whole, it is a classic example of revelatory (apocalyptic) literature and an important collection of Jewish literature from the Hellenistic and Roman periods.