Green Drink

This horrible tasting stuff will give you eighty-hundred times the amount of vitamins needed and is a significant plus if you are like me and eat vegetables twice a week. I shake it up in my shaker cup, add some ice and water, and let the good times roll. You will appreciate the added potassium (most green drink cocktails leave it out). I still eat a generous amount of avocados and add a potassium supplement. For you carnivores, get yourself some green drink!!

For My Carnivores

I dig this Keto Bone Broth!!

I use it to help with hunger. I also appreciate the collagen and amino acids. The flavor of this stuff is also a whole lot better than bland chicken bone broth.

If you want to geek out on bone broth benefits keep reading.

Here’s the stuff I like:

1. Source of beneficial amino acids 

Bone broth is associated with collagen, a structural protein found in skin, cartilage and bone. When boiled, the collagen in connective tissue is broken down into gelatine and various other health promoting amino acids for example glycine and glutamine.

2. Good for digestion and gut health

Gelatine is the most abundant protein in bone broth. Once in the digestive tract, gelatine is able to bind with water to support the healthy transit of food through the intestines.

Emerging scientific research suggests that gelatine, alongside other amino acids found in bone broth, may have therapeutic potential in inflammatory bowel disease.

Discover more digestive health recipes and tips.

3. May support immune function

Not only is the small intestine the primary site for nutrient absorption, it is also the first line of defence in our immune system. If the gut barrier becomes damaged or ‘leaky’, this can disrupt immune function. The amino acids found in bone broth may exert a protective effect.

A recent study concluded that intravenous supplementation of the amino acid glutamine was able to support intestinal barrier function in critically ill patients. Similarly, supplementation with glycine was able to increase intestinal immunity and microbial diversity in mice.

Discover more immune-friendly recipes.

4. Supports the production of anti-ageing molecules

Consuming 300ml of bone broth has been shown to increase plasma levels of the precursor amino acids glycine and proline that are required to form collagen.

In clinical trials supplemental collagen was able to improve the hydration, elasticity and appearance of wrinkles in human skin. Collagen also increased the bone mineral density in post-menopausal women.

Find out what to eat for your age.

5. May support weight loss

Collagen has also proved successful as a weight loss aid. In postmenopausal women, collagen supplementation combined with resistance training improved lean muscle mass and increased fat loss. It has also been able to improve body composition in elderly men.

Find out more about how to lose weight.

6. May support joint health

Studies suggest that collagen derived from chicken cartilage is effective at improving pain, stiffness and join function in patients with osteoarthritis.

Gelatine may also be beneficial for injury prevention and tissue repair. A 2017 study found that supplementation with gelatine alongside vitamin C improved collagen synthesis post exercise and was able to repair tendons.

Discover what to eat for healthy joints.

7. Might help you to get to sleep

The amino acid glycine, present in bone broth, has multiple functions in the body including supporting healthy sleep patterns. Research shows dietary glycine has proved effective at improving the sleep quality of patients with insomnia. It is thought that glycine exerts its effect by regulating our internal body clock and lowering our body temperature to prepare us for sleep. 

Can’t sleep? Read this guide on how to get a better night’s rest.

You are the salt of the Earth

It’s October in Seattle and I have just recently started running again.

Running + Cold Seattle Weather = Bath Season.


I take many baths during this time of the year and I always add epsom salt (typically 4-8 cups), which facilitates muscular relaxation and recovery. Rather than buy small boxes at CVS or Safeway, I buy it in 19 pound bags from Amazon.  Usually arrives within 24 hours.



The Science:

In water, they break down into magnesium and sulfate. When you soak in an Epsom salts bath, these get into your body through your skin and helps relax muscles and loosens stiff joints.

Epsom salts baths can serve as a home treatment for:

  • Arthritis pain and swelling

  • Bruises and sprains

  • Fibromyalgia, a condition that makes your muscles, ligaments, and tendons hurt, and causes tender points throughout your body

  • Ingrown toenails

  • Insomnia

  • Psoriasis, a disease that causes red, itchy, scaly skin

  • Sore muscles after working out

  • Soreness from diarrhea during chemotherapy

  • Sunburn pain and redness

  • Tired, swollen feet

A Hebrew translation of the first 11 chapters of Genesis (and with the rythym)


I picked up the paperback version of this book (because the Kindle version doesn’t exist)

You are probably thinking, “Why would you EVER buy a translation of Genesis when there are like eighty-hundred free translations online?”

Great question.

THIS, isn’t just ANY translation.

The problem with many Bible translations is that the more accurate word-for-word translations sometime lose their sense of rhythm, or poetic cadence, and that’s an issue because the first two chapters of Genesis are specifically written like a song. 

This Hebrew translation translation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis will give you a “NIV” flow but with an “ESV” accuracy.

It’s 320 pages from cover to cover, and there are 19 pages of pure translated text.

I would highly recommend using this book as a read-allowed book.  Perhaps you could even you this translation when reading Genesis to your children.


What is in Pastor Darren's Shaker Bottle

Behold, my choice of exogenous ketones.


Exogenous?  This basically means lab created ketones, verses the kind of ketones your body naturally produces in a fasted state, or with a high fat no carb diet.


Here’s some safety precautions first:




·      This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults 18 years of age or older.


·      Do not use if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, breast feeding, have known medical conditions (including but not limited to diabetes, kidney, heart, or liver disease) or are taking prescription or OTC medication(s).


·      Consult with your health care practitioner before using this product.




·      CONTAINS CAFFEINE: This product contains organic caffeine derived from only organic green coffee beans. Each single serving contains approximately 140mg caffeine; equivalent to 1 large cup of regular coffee.


·      Do not use this product if you are trying to eliminate caffeine or other stimulants from your diet.


·      Do not take any other stimulants or caffeine-containing products within 4 hours of taking this product



How I use this product?


·      Saturday is typically a cheat day for me.


·      On Sunday, I fast until at least 3 pm where I have a high-protein, no carb snack.


·      I like jump starting by body on Sunday morning by diving headfirst into immediate ketosis.  I feel sharp, focused, no jitters, and ready for rigorous 15-day.


·      I like that that this product contains ketones + some caffeine, and I also like the price compared to other products.


·      For those most part, I only use these ketones on Sunday, and then sustain ketosis through diet for the rest of the week.

·      Exogenous ketones work wonders when traveling overseas. I can beat jet-lag funk with this stuff and get into sharp shape immediately.

·      This product contains a significant amount of ketones. I have tested against other products and it puts me immediately into ketosis.


·      I do not believe you should use this product if sugar and starches are a regular part of your diet, but I will leave that for you to discuss with your doctor.

The Negatives:

  • Cost more than gasoline. $$$$$

  • Taste like orange juice, only worse, like orange funk.

The Most Expensive Book I've Ever Purchased

The most legit scholarly commentary on the book of Enoch available.

I’m studying Genesis, Michael Heiser said this was amazing, and I am geeking out on stuff like this right now.

The first commentary on this work since 1773.1 Enoch is one of the most intriguing books in the Pseudepigrapha (Israelite works outside the Hebrew canon). It was originally written in Aramaic and is comprised of several smaller works, incorporating traditions from the three centuries before the Common Era. Employing the name of the ancient patriarch Enoch, the Aramaic text was translated into Greek and then into Ethiopic. But as a whole, it is a classic example of revelatory (apocalyptic) literature and an important collection of Jewish literature from the Hellenistic and Roman periods.