Walking in Healing

Understanding Who You Are and the Operation of Signs, Wonders, and Miracles

In this blog, we will explore the vital importance of understanding and establishing your beliefs about healing before sickness strikes.

We will cover the necessity of proactive faith, the role of professional prayer, the assurance that God desires your healing, and the significance of building a supportive faith community.

By preparing in advance and cultivating a deep understanding of healing, you will be better equipped to face challenges and support others in their healing journeys.

This preparation is crucial for standing strong in faith and experiencing the miraculous power of God in your life.

Discover Your Beliefs NOW!

First and foremost, don’t wait until you’re sick or diagnosed with a disease to figure out what you believe about healing.

Imagine being diagnosed with a sickness and then deciding to become your own doctor or surgeon without any prior experience.

It sounds absurd, right?

Yet, many people in the church do exactly that with their faith. They wait until they or their loved ones are sick before they start figuring out their theology of healing.

Why is it important to establish your belief about healing before you face sickness?

The answer lies in preparation and understanding. When you are healthy, you have the clarity and mental fortitude to delve deeply into scripture and build a solid foundation of faith. This preparation is crucial because, when sickness strikes, emotions run high, fear can set in, and your soul will want its feelings validated verses operating from faith.

Think of it this way: if you were to take up a new skill, like playing a musical instrument or learning a new language, you wouldn’t wait until you are scheduled to perform at a concert in front of thousands of people to learn your instrument. You would start learning and practicing well in advance, building your skills over time. The same applies to your beliefs about healing. Establishing a firm foundation when you are well-prepared allows you to stand strong in God’s word and your faith in His promises during challenging times.

Moreover, understanding God’s promises and the power of healing when you are healthy equips you to help others. When you see someone suffering, you can step in with confidence and offer prayers that are rooted in strong and growing faith. This proactive approach not only benefits you but also empowers you to be a vessel of God’s healing power to others.

The Importance of “Professional” Prayer

This use of the word professional might make some of you cringe, but I’m going to use it anyway. When you, yourself are sick, consider humbling yourself and seek “professional” prayer.

People who consistently operate with faith for signs, wonders, and miracles didn’t just wake up one day and start performing miracles.

People who consistently operate with faith for signs, wonders, and miracles didn’t just wake up one day and start performing miracles. They’ve carved out a miraculous realm over time and have a faith that makes it easier for them to believe.

If you don’t have a track record of healing, don’t try to be your own faith healer!

The time to figure this stuff out is when you’re healthy.

Pray for strangers first; it’s easier to believe for a miracle for someone you don’t know than for someone you love deeply.

Seeking the help of those who have a proven track record in healing, is essential.

Seeking the help of those who have a proven track record in healing, is essential. These individuals have dedicated significant time and effort to build their faith and understand the dynamics of God’s healing power. Their faith and experience can bridge the gap for you when your faith is not yet strong enough.

Humility is key here!! Acknowledge that you might not have all the answers and that others can help you in your journey. Seeking special prayer is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of wisdom. Just as you would consult a specialist for a serious medical condition, consulting those with a deep understanding of spiritual healing is equally important.

Furthermore, those who have cultivated a miraculous realm have insights and experiences that can guide you through your healing process. They can offer practical advice, share testimonies that boost your faith, and pray with an authority that comes from years of experience. This support can be invaluable, especially during times of crisis when your own faith might be wavering.

God Wants to Heal You

If you’re sick, know that God wants to heal you!

He desires to set you free from illness and suffering. The Bible consistently reveals God's will to heal. Jesus’ ministry on earth was filled with acts of healing, casting out demons, and performing miracles, demonstrating God’s heart towards us:

  • Matthew 8:16-17 (NIV): "When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: 'He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.'"

  • Psalm 103:2-3 (NIV): "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases."

Understanding that God desires your healing is fundamental. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that sickness is a punishment or that it’s not God’s will to heal you. However, the Bible consistently shows us that God is a healer. Jesus spent a significant part of His ministry healing the sick, casting out demons, and performing miracles. This is a clear indication of God’s heart towards us.

Healing can come in various forms. Sometimes it is immediate and miraculous; other times, it may be a process involving medical intervention, lifestyle changes, and ongoing prayer. Regardless of the method, the source of healing is always God. Recognizing this truth helps us to remain open to the different ways God might choose to bring healing into our lives.

God Uses His Body to Heal

While God can sovereignly show up and heal you, He often uses the church, the body of Christ, to do so. This community aspect is crucial. When you read through 1 Corinthians 12, you’ll see that different spiritual gifts, including miracles, are given to the church:

  • 1 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV): "...to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers..."

  • James 5:14-16 (NIV): "Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

The church is a place where we can find support, encouragement, and prayer. When we reach out for help, we are allowing others to fulfill their God-given roles and use their spiritual gifts for our benefit. In my own family,

I don’t always post on Facebook when we’re going through a challenging time, but I have reached out for prayer on our church’s closed Facebook group when things were especially intense, and God has shown up in radical ways!!

In my own experience, asking for prayer within our church community has led to incredible breakthroughs.

In my own experience, asking for prayer within our church community has led to incredible breakthroughs. There is power in collective prayer and the unity of believers coming together with a common purpose. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for prayer, whether it’s through a church group, a close circle of friends, or a dedicated prayer team.

Go, Get Away, And Receive!!!

One powerful way to receive what God wants to release is to go, get away, and receive at a conference or at revival meetings or from a specific healing evangelists.

Sometimes, we must actively seek out what the Lord wants to release.

The power of revival lies in its ability to bring people together in a shared pursuit of outpouring and healing. These gatherings are opportunities to experience God's presence in profound ways. It's about being obedient, getting away from your comfort zone, your friends and peers and stepping into the presence of the Lord and asking for prayer.

Figures like Charlie Shamp and Alex Parkinson have dedicated their lives to cultivating a deep faith and understanding of God’s healing power. Their journeys were not instantaneous but were marked by years of dedication, study, prayer, and practice. Instead of comparing yourself to other ministers, sow into the lives of ministers and ministries, and sow into your own life and ministry by going, getting away, and receiving ministry and impartation.

Receiving from the Lord, witnessing God’s power in action, hearing testimonies of healing, and receive prayer from those who have carved out a realm of healing will actually help build your expectation, fill you with impartation, and teach you how to walk in miracles yourself.

Begin Releasing Healing Even Now

I want to share a quick, real-life testimony that illustrates the power of prayer and the importance of being prepared. My family and I were at a Vietnamese restaurant when a woman walked in with her family. She was blind, and the Lord highlighted her to me. I felt a strong prompting to pray for her.

I approached her and introduced myself, saying, "Hey, my name is Darren. I'm a pastor. Can I pray for you real quick?" She agreed, and as I invited the Holy Spirit and began to pray, the glory of God encountered her powerfully right then and there. She was obviously a Christian because she immediately began to worship the Lord, crying out "Woo, glory!" right there in the restaurant. She had her own intimate revival meeting. It was awesome!!

Although I didn’t see her eyes open immediately, the encounter was powerful. The presence of God was tangible, and her faith was visibly strengthened. This experience serves as a reminder that when we are obedient to God’s promptings, miraculous things can happen.

If you want to see healings and miracles, just start praying for as many people as you can. You can begin today!

  • Join a church that works miracles and do it not while you are healthy, and begin carving out your own realm of signs, wonders, and miracles.

  • Don’t wait until you are sick to figure out what you believe.

  • Seek prayer from those who are walking in miracles when needed, and understand that God desires your healing.

  • Remember, God uses the body of Christ to bring healing.

  • Don’t try to be your own hero.

  • Reach out for help, ask for prayer, and watch what Jesus can do.

  • We are all called to heal the sick and cast out demons, but the time to prepare for these acts of faith is now.

Let’s be proactive in our faith, support one another, and step into the miraculous realm that God has for us.