The Cross-Shaped Revival: A Prophetic Word

This word was inspired by a fascinating conversation I had today with Pastor Bonnie Chavda about the impact of revivalism and Pentecostalism in the 1960s and 70s.

We reflected on how those movements, while powerful, tended to be more individualistic in their encounter focus.

During our conversation, I felt the Lord speaking to me—not just about my own calling and assignments, but also about the broader direction of His next move. Bonnie was incredibly encouraging, offering wisdom and excitement about how I’m walking out my roles and assignments.

Yet, even as she spoke, the Lord continued to stir my spirit about how this next move of God will contrast with previous ones.

It will move beyond individual encounters to a revival that brings deep connection, unity, and restoration within the body of Christ, expressing both the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the cross.


The move is upon us—a revival that embodies the shape of the cross. It is both vertical and horizontal, drawing us closer to God while knitting us together with one another. In past revivals, there was often a focus on the vertical—individual encounters with God, personal transformation, and private devotion. While those moves of the Spirit were powerful and needed, this revival will look different. It will expand beyond individual experiences and flow outward, touching relationships, communities, and the world.

This cross-shaped revival will restore the full picture of what Jesus intended: a people who love God deeply and love one another sacrificially. The vertical beam represents our connection with God, and the horizontal beam represents the restoration of relationships between people. This revival will not just transform hearts; it will heal families, unite churches, and bring reconciliation to communities.

The evidence of this move will be seen in how we serve one another. It will not be confined to sanctuaries or conferences but will invade dining rooms, workplaces, and city streets. We will see the glory of God in the breaking of bread together, in caring for the orphan and widow, in acts of generosity and humility.

As Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). This is the revival we are stepping into—a move where love is not just declared but demonstrated.

Acts 2:44-47 gives us a glimpse of what this could look like: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

This is the shape of the revival: shared lives, shared resources, and shared encounters with God. It is no longer enough to pursue personal breakthrough while neglecting the needs around us.

The Spirit is moving through the unity of the Church, through connection, service, and sacrifice.

This move will carry the full weight of the cross—love for God and love for people.

Now is the time to step into it!!!