I heard the Lord say, “The shield must be in proportion to the sword.”
You cannot wield a massive sword while holding a tiny shield. This speaks of the Word of God in proportion to the shield of faith. There is coming a new Word of Faith movement, but the Lord says, “Do not call this a regurgitation of an old move.
This is not the resurgence of something from the past. NO, this is not even ‘the Word of Faith’—this is the WORD OF GOD that must be established in this generation if My people are going to have the strength required to wield the sword.”
The Lord said that 2024 was the year of the shield. It was a year when the victory was simply the testimony that you are still standing. Those who relied on their own emotions were battered and broken by the winds, but those who stood firm behind the shield of faith endured. Many in 2025 are still standing because they did not rely on the shield of feelings. Instead, they stood strong behind the shield of faith.
But the Lord says, “2025 is the year of the sword.” This is not the year of defense, but the year of offense. It is a year to learn to wield the sword that comes from your lips—the Word of God. This is the year to release the Word of faith, which will inspire people to believe and trust in God.
The shield and the sword are not separate, for faith and the Word work together. As you speak God’s Word in 2025, it will release the power of faith to cut through the darkness, shatter strongholds, and catalyze your calling.
A Crisis of Faith and a Restored Foundation
We have seen a great falling away of young people from the Church. Some say it’s because of a lack of community, others point to a lack of discipleship, and still others blame the scandals in church leadership and the hypocrisy they’ve seen. But the truth is, the crisis of faith we are witnessing is exactly that: a crisis of faith.
This generation has become spiritually anemic because it has placed its trust in man over its confidence in God. Many have built their faith on emotionalism, shallow teaching, or the charisma of leaders, only to be shaken when those things crumbled. Yet the Lord is not destroying His Church—He is revealing the cracks in the foundation. He is exposing the deficiencies, not to bring condemnation, but to bring restoration.
Apostolic and Prophetic Voices Rising
The Lord is raising up apostolic teachers and prophets to repair the broken foundations of His Church. These voices will not echo the trends of the world but will re-establish the Church on the unshakable foundation of Christ and His Word.
This is the only way faith can be restored: through the apostles and prophets, as faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Dishonoring the apostolic and prophetic offices will come at a great cost. These offices carry a mandate in this hour to restore the foundations of the Church (see the Foundation of the Church in Ephesians 2:19-20).
Faith is the foundation of the Church, for without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). The Lord is calling this generation to a strong, bold, and what some will call “reckless” faith. It will not be reckless in the eyes of God, but it will appear reckless to a world that has grown comfortable with passive belief. This is the faith required to wield the sword of the Spirit effectively—a faith that trusts fully in God and takes Him at His Word.
Faith Without Limits
In 2025, the Lord is calling His people to a faith that is limitless and bold. Many have been conditioned to pray cautiously, to hold back their desires for fear of disappointment. But this is the year to break free from small thinking. Faith is not a whisper—it is a roar, a bold declaration that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
This is not the year to settle. It is the year to expand your vision, to dream bigger, to write down the impossible and present it before the Lord. Whether it’s revival for a city, healing for a body, provision for a vision, or salvation for a loved one—this is the year to ask, and then ask again.
A Lesson from Alexander the Great
There is a story about a servant of Alexander the Great who approached him with an audacious request. The servant asked for resources to fund a wedding, listing a series of extravagant needs. The advisors around Alexander were appalled at the boldness of the request, seeing it as offensive and out of line. Yet Alexander granted every part of the servant’s request.
When questioned why, Alexander responded: “This servant has honored me by believing I am generous enough to fulfill his request. His boldness reflects his belief in my greatness, and I will not disappoint him.”
Big Faith, Big Asks
In 2025, this is the year to step into Big Faith and make Big Asks of God. This is not a season for small prayers or timid requests. This is a time to approach the throne of grace boldly, bringing not just one, but many audacious prayers before Him.
“Until now, you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24)
This is the season to bring bold, relentless, faith-filled asks before the Lord. Revival for cities, healing for bodies, provision for dreams, salvation for families—no ask is too big. The Lord is looking for those who will take Him at His Word and dare to believe that He is good, generous, and powerful.